The Latest News...
2015 should be an exciting year!!!
Eros has a great time in NYC at the Garden! Goes BOB for his first specialty win on Valentine's Day (LIGRC specialty) and follows that up with 1st judges Award of Merit at Westminster under judge, Marion Lyons!!!
Suri, owned by Elizabeth Cariota, is a new Champion!!! Suri finished the last day of the Brooksville circuit going BOW for her last major! 1/18/15
This win for Suri made her mom, Fergie an Outstanding Dam! I have always thought Fergie was outstanding, but now it is official!
Eros has several more breed wins and selects and earns his GCH title mid-January!
Eros goes BOB in MN over an entry of 84! 1/3/15
2014 has started off well!
Miles and Craig finish their UDX!!! Look for their ad in the performance issue of the News!
This title made dam, Moxie, an Outstanding Dam! So proud of both my Karma daughters following in their dam's pawprints, both Moxie and Largo are OD's with versatility certificates!
Eros has been out field training with Nancy Clinchy and went 2 for 2 at his first hunt test. 3rd leg the next weekend...stay tuned for title soon!
Danny, Murphy and Topper have found their new partners and will be officially graduating as Service Dogs on June 13th! Congratulations to their new families!
Indy and Courage are turning 1 in June and both are doing a fabulous job with their training and look forward to placements next year for both boys!
Eros finishes his Junior Hunter title in Birchwood, TN with Me handling him!! 5/25/14
Merci picks up 3 more pts. towards her CH in June!!
Eros goes 3 for 3 at the 4 Paw Agility club of N GA obedience trial and earns his CD! 7/20/14
Eros has a great national specialty! Goes RWD for his 1st major, wins BOS in Gun Dog Sweeps, then he finishes his CH the following 2 weekends after the national!
What is in store for 2013..
Fergie (CH Goldruls Keymand Performance) earns her RN title in 1 weekend! 2/2013
Thank you to Mary Ann Revell for the training and handling!
Denver (Goldruls Thank God Ima Counrty Girl At Double R RN) earns her CD! 4/2013
Congratulations to owner Mary Ann Revell!
Molly Bloom (Goldruls Yes I Said Yes I Will Yes For Prism) became a new CHAMPION! 5/2013
She finished with 3 majors, the last one a specialty major!
Congratulations to owners Robin and Maxie Bowen!
Baby Eros shows for the first time in Perry and goes WD for his first points from the 6-9 class!!
Emmy (Goldruls 'N Lanier's Check Yes Or No) had a great few weekends out in June picking up 6 points with a 4 pt. Specialty BOW major in Pittsburgh!!
Congratulations to owner Carole Amos!!!
Eros went out on the road for a month and picks up 3 more points!
Exciting start to 2012...
Roy and Sammy earn their CDX and RAE!!! Congratulations!
Miles and Craig earn their UD in 3 straight trials the weekend of March 9-11/2012
with placements all 3 days and a bonus leg on 3/17/12 with 1st place!!!
Moxie and Fran tore up the field on 3/18/2012 and earned her TD title. This qualifies
Moxie for the GRCA Versatility Certificate!!!
5/27/12 Miles and Craig earn their first 2 UDX legs, all with placements!!!!
Merci is WB/BOS for a major!!! June/2012
Lucy earns her AXJ title!!! 9/2012
Largo becomes a new Outstanding Dam, a very prestigious honor!
Qualifying kids are CH Lyric, CH Fergie, TDX Georgia and AXJ Lucy!! 9/2012
Suri qualifies for a GRCA triathlon award at the Eastern Regional by earning her BN,
WC, CCA as well as taking a 5 point major reserve at the Everglades GRC specialty! 10/2012! Congratulations to owner Elizabeth Cariota!
Miles is up to 5 UDX legs now and also passed his CCA!!! 12/2012
Paisley has both her majors now for a total of 10 points!
Congratulations to owners Laura and Chris Topping!
(click on the dog's name and go to their individual page)
my personal dogs...
(Gunner X Fergie)
Eros - BISS GCH CH Goldruls It's All Greek To Me CD JH VC
Eros goes BOB at Long Island specialty for his first BISS! Follows that up with an AOM at the Garden!
Eros is RWD at the 2014 GRCA National for his first major and also goes BOSS in Gundog Sweeps!
Armed with 7 pts. 1 major, he goes on to compete the next 2 weekends and finishes up on 11/15/14!
Already having his CD and JH, the new champion is now qualified as a GRCA VC!
more champion points for Eros in Oct./2013
Eros starts off his first weekend of shows going WD for his first champion points from the 6-9 class! May/2013
Eros is also working on field training and obedience!
(Hudson X Paisley)
Merci - Goldruls Thank Heaven For Little Girls CCA
Merci takes a 3rd place from 6-9 class (52 puppies entered) at the 2011 GRCA National Specialty!
Merci earns her 1st major at 17 months from Am-bred! June/2012
(Finn X Largo)
Lucy - Goldruls Chic Key Dee AXJ CCA
Lucy finishes up her AXJ title after maternity leave 9/2012!!!
Lucy earns her OAJ title with a time ribbon!!!
Lucy earns her NAJ on 7/17/11 with two first place time ribbons!
Lucy earns her first NAJ leg on 7/15/11!
(Rocky X Largo)
Fergie - Am. CH Goldruls Keymand Performance RN CCA
Fergie goes BOB for her 2nd major and her CH title on 9/25/11!!!
is WB/BOW in San Antonio for her first major July 16, 2011. WOW! 11pts. in 4 weeks!
Fergie is WB/BOS for 2 more points in MD, July 9, 2011.
Fergie is WB/BOS for 2 points each back to back weekends in MD, July/2011.
Fergie is WB/BOW 2 days for 2 more points at IN cluster June/2011.
Fergie is WB/BOS for her first point, 1/9/10!
Fergie is starting out her show career with a bang,
taking a 4 pt. major reserve at Columbus, OH on Friday the 13th!
(Finn X Largo)
Lyric - Am. CH Goldruls Kari O Key, BOSS
Lyric finishes in style with her 2nd major, going WB/BOW/BOS over a bitch special on 5/3/09!!!
Lyric is taking a maternity leave...look for her back in the ring in the Spring of 2009!
(She has 11 beautiful babies, on to the 3rd generation of Goldruls kids!)
Lyric is WB in Greenville, SC for her first major, a 4 pointer 7/27/08!!!
Lyric is WB in Orlando, 6/22/08! (major breaks by 2)
Lyric comes home for a break to grow coat, April-June!
Lyric is WB in NC 3/21/08! (singled out at 9 points)
Lyric is WB/BOS at Davie 3/16/08!
Lyric is WB at Hilton Head 3/8/08!
Lyric is WB/BOW and goes Best of Breed from the classes over specials! 2/29/08
Lyric is WB/BOW, 2/27/08, under judge Charles Trotter!
(Mr. Trotter gave Lyric's Mom, Largo, her first points/major!)
Lyric is WB for point # 3 in Marianna, FL ~ 2/26/08!
Lyric earns her first 2 points in Atlanta, BOS over 2 bitch specials! (major breaks by 2)~ 2/1/08!
Lyric wins Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps, Houston Specialty, 7/19/07!
She also wins a competitive 12-18 class all 4 days in Houston!
Lyric wins a MAJOR Reserve at the tender age of 7 months, 12/16/06!!!!
Lyric wins her 6-9 class 3 of the 4 days on the tough January circuit!!!
(Bang X Moxie)
Cherry - Goldruls Hell On Wheels JH CCA
Cherry goes WB for her first point, 2/26/09!!!
Cherry finishes up her JH in style, Lower AL test, 2/21/09!
Cherry is in training for her SH title...look for her at HT fall of 2009!
Cherry earns her 2nd and 3rd JH leg ~ 9/6 & 7/08
Cherry earns her first JH leg ~ 2/2/08
Cherry passes on land both days at Mid-Fl hunt test, at the tender age of 10 months old...
Cherry places 4th in a very tough 6-9 class at Mid-FL Specialty, handled by
Patricia McCoy-Coleman, breeder judge ~ Gloria Kerr 6/22/06
Sister, Garland, makes the final cut as well! Cherry on L., Garland on R.
(Ford X Markie)
Finn - Am. CH Harborview Goldruls Warrior Poet
Finn goes WD/BOW/BOS for his final 2 points...New CH!! 7/31/08!
Finn is WD for his 2nd major, 6/29/08!
Finn is WD/BOW for his first major, 6/8/08!
Finn is WD/BOS over a male special for his 7th point, 5/25/08!
Finn is WD for his 6th point, 5/23/08!
Finn is WD for his 5th point, 5/17/08!
Finn is WD/BOW for his 4th point, 5/16/08!
Finn is WD/BOS for his 3rd point, 3/9/08!
Finn is WD for his 2nd point, 3/1/08!
Finn is WD/BOS for his first point, 2/29/08!
Finn is Best Of Breed Puppy and Puppy Sporting Group 3 at
Miami shows 6/3/06!! Expertly handled by Jane Alston Myers.
1st Place 9-12 Sweeps . 6/24/06
(Houston X Karma)
Largo - Am. CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH VC OD CCA
Largo qualifies for her Versatility Certificate from the GRCA, June/2007!
Largo goes Best Opposite at the Houston Specialty,7/19/07!!!
Largo is WB/BOS for a 4 point major in Orlando 6/22/07!!!!! This finished her!!!!
Largo takes a 5 point major reserve at Mid-FL specialty, 6/21/07! Judge, Col. Jon Chase
Largo, (back in the ring), is WB/BOW in TN for point # 13!!! 5/26/07
Largo earns her Junior Hunter title!!!! 3/18/07
Largo earns 2 more points on the Panhandle circuit!!! 2/25/07 and 3/2/07
Largo earns her 3rd JH leg ~ Williston test ~ 2/17/07
Largo earns her 2nd JH leg ~ MFGRC hunt test ~ 2/3/07
Largo is WB/BOW/BOS in Deland for her 2nd, 3 point major!!!! - 1/5/07
Largo is WB in Orlando, 12/17/06 for 2 more points!!
Largo is WB/BOS - 11/24-25/06 for 2 more single points!!
Largo is WB/BOW/BOS in Ocala for her first points, a 3 point major!! - 11/19/06
Largo earns her first JH leg ~ MFGRC Hunt Test ~ 9/10/06
Largo earns her TD at The 2005 GRCA National
Largo certifies for her TD on July 14, 2005!
Makes the Final cut in Sweepstakes at National (#6)
Best Sr. Puppy in Match - 3/8/05
Largo is 4th in sweeps & regular class from 9-12 at Everglades Specialty
(Rocky X Karma)
Moxie - Goldruls U Got Sumthin' There TD SH CCA VC
Moxie and Fran earn their TD on 3/18/12!!! Congratulations, this title qualifies Moxie for her VC!
Moxie places 2nd in SH Gundog Sweeps at the 2011 GRCA National!!!
Moxie has retired to south FL with co-owner, Fran Smith and daughter, Bounce.
Moxie is working on tracking and obedience titles.
NEW SH on 11/1/08!!!
3rd SH leg on 10/25/08!!!
Moxie earns SH leg #2 ~ 10/19/08!!!
Moxie earns SH leg #1 ~ 10/18/08!!!
Moxie and Junior Handler, Brittany Stout, earn 3rd Place at the
GRCA 2006 National Specialty in Open Junior Showmanship. Congratulations!!!
Back to back legs for her JH title 3/19-20/05
2nd JH leg on 2/13/05
Moxie earns her first JH leg on 2/6/05
4th Am-Bred Eastern Regional Specialty 2005
Moxie earns her 2nd Started leg at NEFHRC test 2/25/06
8/10/99 - 4/2/11 Always in my heart...
Karma - CT Amberwood Third's A Charm CD JH NA WC OD VCX
1st place Brood Bitch, Everglades GRC Specialty 3/10/06
(shown with Junior and Largo)
3rd place Brood Bitch, 2005 GRCA National Specialty
(shown with Junior and Largo)
2nd Brood Bitch, Eastern Regional Specialty 2005
(shown with Gunner, on left, and Moxie, on right)
Goldens I co-own, or bred and am very proud of!
(Hudson X Fergie)
Molly Bloom - CH Goldruls Yes I Said Yes I Will Yes For Prism
After a slow start, Molly Bloom goes on to finish her champion title in 2 months
with 3 majors including a specialty major! May/2103
(Hudson X Fergie)
Suri - Goldruls Let's Get SuriYes BN RN CA WC CCA
Suri has the distinction of being the first Goldruls bred dog to earn a triathlon!!! Oct./2012
Another point for Suri in NC 9/18/11!!!
Suri is WB/BOW for 2 more points in Atlanta 8/26/11!!!
Suri is WB/BOS in Ohio for point number 5! 8/21/11!!!
Suri goes BOB!!! Over 6 male specials for a 3 point major!!!! 8/12/11!!!
Suri is WB for her first point 8/5/11!!!
Suri takes a 4 point major reserve from the 9-12 puppy class! Go Suri!!!
(Hudson X Fergie)
Emmy - Goldruls 'N Lanier's Check Yes Or No
2 points her first weekend out with Amanda Myers...
followed by a 4 point major specialty win in PA!!!
(Hudson X Lyric)
Murphy - Goldruls To Noe Him Is To Love Him CD BN RN CGC
Murphy and Marge finish up the rally title and go on to a CD!!
Murphy and Marge earn their first 2 Rally Novice legs in Atlanta 8/25 & 28/11!!!
Murphy and Marge earn their Beginner Novice title in Perry!
(Finn X Moxie)
Missy - HR U-CDX Goldruls Into The Mystic CDX SH
Missy has her first Master Hunter pass!!!
Missy new intials, SH - 2/19/11!!!!
Missy has more new initials, CDX!!!!
Missy has more new initials, JH!!!
Missy has some new initials, CD!!!
Missy and Duane earn her first hunting title the weekend of 5/17/08! SHR!
Missy and Duane earn first 2 legs towards Missy's JH, 5/3-4/08! Go Missy!
Missy and Duane earn leg 2 & 3 at Central FL hunt test, 3/1-2/08!
Missy and Duane earn their first SHR leg in Callahan, 2/23/08!
(Bang X Moxie)
Miles - Goldruls Royal Travel'N Man UD CCA
Miles and Craig finish off 2012 with a total of 4 UDX legs and a CCA!!!
Miles and Craig earn their first 2 UDX legs in one day all placements!!!! 3/27/12
Miles and Craig earn their UD in one weekend!!! 3/9-11/2012
Miles and Craig earn their CDX in style, not 1 NQ!!!! 3/6/09
Miles and Craig go 2 for 2 for CDX legs at DOCOH trial, 1/31/09 & 2/1/09!!
Miles earns his CD in Palm Bay 3/11/07!!!!!!
***Miles and Craig go 2 for 2 with a score of 190!! 3/10/07***
***Miles and Craig earn their first Companion Dog leg!!! 3/9/07***
Miles wins BOB and Sporting group 1 at his first match, handled by owner Craig Berger!
Miles will be out and about in the obedience ring soon...
Miles and his boy, Alex!
(Houston X Karma)
Malibu - Goldruls Coco Cay CD RA NF OA AXJ
Malibu earns two Rally Novice legs at MOC trial Memorial Weekend 2005!!!
Third leg and new *Title*, Lakeland 6/18/05
Congratulations to Sean and Malibu!!!
Congratulations to Sean and Debbie on the birth of Sydney (10/31/05),
Malibu loves her new little sister!
Malibu and Sean earn their first Rally Advanced leg, 2/5/06!!
Congrats!!! Sean and Malibu earn their second RA leg with a score of 99 and 1st place!!! 3/19/06
WooHoo!!! Sean and Malibu earn their first NA leg on April 1st, with a 2nd place ribbon!!!
First NAJ leg with another 2nd time placement, 4/8/06!!!
Another NA leg 4/9/06 with a BLUE (1st) place, and second NAJ leg!!! Go Team Rich!!!
Malibu is 4 for 4 at the Boca shows May 13/14!!
NEW Rally Advanced title ~ 1st Rally Excellent leg ~ 2 Companion Dog legs with a run off for 1st place and wins it!!!
Malibu earns 3 titles at Miami shows 6/06 all with BLUE ribbons!! NA ~ NAJ ~ CD
Last companion dog leg earned a 191 from Novice A!!! GO TEAM RICH!!!
Malibu and Sean earn their first Open JWW leg, 9/24/06!!! YAY, Team Rich!!!!
Malibu and Sean earn their 2nd OAJ with a blue time ribbon!!! 11/26/06
Malibu earns her Open JWW's title 2/17/07!!!!! Congratulations! :-)
Malibu and Sean earn their first Excellent Jumpers leg with a 4th place time ribbon!!! Go Team Rich!!! Malibu is 2 qualifying runs from helping make her dam, Karma, and Outstanding Dam!!!
Malibu and Sean have a clean sweep on 6/16/07 earning their first Open Standard leg and second Excellent JWW's leg. Yay, team Rich!!!
Open leg #2 on 6/17/07...1 more to go on each for titles!!!
Malibu and Sean earn their OA title 9/20/07! Yippee!
Earn their AXJ title 10/14/07! Double Yippee!
standard leg # 1 today in Vero Bch! 4/3/08!!!
(Finn X Largo)
Georgia - Goldruls Key To My Heart Georgia TDX
Georgia and tony go on and earn their tdx on 3/7/10!!!
Georgia is a certified Therapy Dog! Congratulations to Paula and Georgia!
New Title, TD, earned on 10/21/07! Congratulations to team Via!!!!
Georgia ran her track in 8 minutes with Tony as the "dope on the rope"!!
Georgia and Tony certify to take their first tracking test! 8/19/07
(Some pictures of Georgia tracking and finding that glove!)
(Rocky X Karma)
Junior - Goldruls This Buds For U, TD
Mulitiple placements at Specialties from 6-9 class
Susan and Junior earn their TD, first try at 14 months
Winners Dog (2 pts.) Ft. Myers 11/27/05 (handler Jane Alston-Myers)
Winners Dog/Best of Winners (2 pts.) Savannah 12/3/05
Junior makes the "cut" in a very competitive Open class at this years National/2006.
Look for Junior in the rings in the southwest with his new best friend,
handler, Janice Hayes!!!
NEWS FLASH!!!! Junior takes WD/BOW/BOB for his 5th point at OK show!!!
Junior is Winners Dog in Houston, 7/20/07, 4 point major!!! Handled by Brianna Bischoff!!
Junior goes WD/BOW/BOB in Atlanta 8/24/07 for his 10th point! Handled by Rindi Gaudet!
Junior is on a roll! Wins back to back in KY, 8/31/07 and 9/1/07! On the 31st takes BOB over 2 specials. On the hunt for the last major....
(Bang X Moxie)
Daisy - Goldruls Driving Miss Daisy NAJ NF
Daisy and Deanna earn their first JWW leg with a first place time ribbon!
Daisy is on the fast track, earning a 2nd JWW leg.
daisy finishes up her naj and adds the novice fast title as well!
(Bang X Moxie)
Bounce - Goldruls Wild Ride TD
Bounce earns her TD at Orlando test - 11/5/06!!
(Bang X Moxie)
Garland - UKC Ch Goldruls On The Road To Oz CD RN CGC TDI
Garland earns her CD on 2/2/08!
Garland is Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at West Palm Beach for her
first 2 points!!! Garland was handled by Brittany Stout. 7/15/06
WooHoo!!! Congrats to owners Judy & Bernie!!!
Garland earns her National CH in Orlando, 10/29/06!!
Bernie and Garland win most improved handler at George Alston seminar 12/3/06!!!
Congratulations to Bernie!!!!!
Garland and Bernie earn their first RN leg with a score of 99 out of 100, 12/8/06!!!
GO team Gilick!!!
Garland is WB/BOW at UKC shows in Ft. Lauderdale 12/31/06!
Bernie and Garland earn their Rally Novice title on 2/3/07!!!!
Garland also earns her Canine Good Citizen certificate!
Garland and Bernie earn her UKC Championship the weekend of 4/14/07!!
Garland was BOW and went on to take a Group 1...Congratulations to Judy and Bernie!!
Congratulations to Bernie and Garland for their first CD leg with a 3rd place and a score of 190 from Novice B!!!
Garland and Bernie her 2nd CD leg second day out in Novice B!!!
(Rocky X Karma)
Gunner - Goldruls Under The Gun CD RA
1st 6-9 Sweeps Sandlapper Specialty 2004 (breeder judge, Linda Willard)
1st 6-9 Eastern Regional Specialty 2004 (breeder judge, Col. Jonathan Chase)
RWD/BOB Puppy/Grp 2 SDKC June 2004
Winners Dog (2 pts.) Starke - 1/29/05
RWD - Charlotte, NC - 4/9/05
3rd Am-Bred Eastern Regional Specialty 2005
Gunner earns his first Rally Novice leg at 2005 GRCA National
Earns back to back CD legs with 2 - 2nd place ribbons at JAX Obedience Trial 10/15-16/05!
Gunner earns his first Rally title at Ocala - 11/20/05!
Gunner earns his CD in SC, 1/28/06!
Gunner and Beverly earn their second Rally Advanced leg at the
2006 GRCA National Specialty!!
(below is a picture of Gunner at 3 years, taken at the National)
*Note* - If you have knowledge that Gunner is not residing with the Goldman's,
please contact me ASAP -
(Buffet X Karma)
Calvin - Goldruls Good Imagination CGC
Calvin goes BOS Veteran at the Mid-FL specialty, June/2009!
Calvin is enjoying semi-retirement showing in Juniors with co-owner Brittany Coy
Winners Dog for his first 2 points at Vero - 5/1/05
Calvin is WD for 1 more point at Jacksonville - 10/30/05
Calvin with his handler, Morgan Haney. Photos by: Tracey Hargis
(Houston X Karma)
Brady - Goldruls Jamaican Me Laugh
Brady is WD/BOW for his second point in KY, 6/8/08!!!
Brady is WD/BOW for his first point in KY, 6/7/08!!!
BOB Puppy/Grp 4 SDKC 2004
Brady and Anita try obedience for the first time June ~ 2006!!
Brady earns a placement from Open at the Cincinnati Specialty! May-2007
(Mariner X Largo)
U-CDX Sam - Goldruls Luckey Sam I Am CDX RAE
C 198 2nd place
B 197.5 2 place with a run off for first.
2 Nov C 197.5
1Nov C 199.5 and a High in Trial
C 197 2nd place
Sam and Roy have earned their CD with a HIT and also their RA title!
Sam and Roy earn their RN title with Placement ribbons!
Sam earns his first 2 RN legs with a 1st & 2nd on April 3-4!!!
(Finn X Largo)
Sugar - Goldruls Merry Days Christmas CooKey TD
Hooray For Sugar and Denise, Earn their TD on Mother's Day, 5/9/10!
Sugar and Denise Qualify for tracking tests, all before 6 months of age!
(Finn X Largo)
Walker - UKC CH Goldruls WalKey'N On Sunshine RN CCA CGC TDI
Walker and Clint win point number 7 out in TX!
Walker wins back-to-back points 5 and 6 in PA!!! 10/3-4/09
(Handled by Grandma, Jenn Craig)
Walker wins point # 4 in Pensacola!!! 3/1/09
Walker wins point # 3 at Ft. Walton Bch!!! 2/27/09
Walker earns his first 2 points, going BOW in Deland!!! 9/28/08
New Title! Walker can add the letters CCA to his name!! 8/10/08
New Title! Walker and Sheila earn their UKC championship and
Rally Novice title in February 2008! Congratulations!
Walker is being shown selectively as we allow him to mature!
(shown here by Morgan Brooks and Greg Myers)
(Finn X Largo)
Symphony - Goldruls Royal Key Note RN
Symphony has some brand new initials!! Earns her Rally Novice title on 2/1/09!
(Fisher X Breeze)
Rio - Goldruls Angelfish On My Sholdr JH CCA