Goldruls Puppies


                   karma duck front2.jpg (8075 bytes)

Buffet                   X                 Karma

   CH Stillwater's Coral Reef Duet   X    CT Amberwood Third's A Charm CD JH NA WC OD VCX 

DOB - 3/26/2002   (click on picture to see "Good" litter all  grown up)


                   Karma 5 years ht.JPG (807489 bytes)

Rocky                 X                 Karma

CH Harborview Just U Wait OS BISS BOSS    X    CT Amberwood Third's A Charm CD JH NA WC OD VCX 

                                                                           DOB 9/27/2003  (click on picture to see "U" litter growing)


Houston (2).jpg (51276 bytes)             Karma_BOS.jpg (18433 bytes)

Houston            X              Karma

  CH Tejas Caribbean Direct Flight CDX RN NA NAJ WC VCX    X   CT Amberwood Third's A Charm CD JH NA WC OD VCX 

         DOB 5/22/2004  (click on picture to see the "Caribbean" litter in their new homes)




Bang hunt.jpg (45586 bytes)                   Moxie head bird.JPG (735675 bytes)

Bang                      X              Moxie

  BISS CH Lycinan's Big Bang CDX JH WC VC   X    Goldruls U Got Sumthin' There SH CCA 

                                                 DOB 11/17/2005  (Click on picture to see travel litter pups growing)



    Finn BOW panhandle full size (2).jpg (709869 bytes)          


   Finn           X         Largo


CH Harborview Goldruls Warrior Poet     X     CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH VC CCA


                                                   DOB  05/13/06   (Click picture to see the "Key" litter....)






fisherstack.jpg (98612 bytes)          Breeze 3 years.JPG (210024 bytes)

Fisher            X           Breeze


CH Deauxquest Hard Day's Knight UDT SH WC RAE VCX  X  Goldruls Bahama Breeze


                                                     DOB 12/25/06  (Click picture to see the "Fish" litter...)







Finn BOW panhandle full size (2).jpg (709869 bytes)             

   Finn                X             Moxie


CH Harborview Goldruls Warrior Poet  X  Goldruls U Got Sumthin' There SH CCA



                                                            DOB 03/15/07   (Click picture to see the "70's Rock" litter...)




Bear WC.JPG (33330 bytes)               Breeze and baby.JPG (145377 bytes)

         Bear                X              Breeze       

SHR Whitehead's It's A Love Game JH WC CCA    X    Goldruls Bahama Breeze

                                                         DOB  07/28/07   (Click the puppy picture to see the "8" litter in their new homes)




Talon head study.jpg (438511 bytes)                                                   

Talon                                         X                               Moxie

CH Daybreak Varsity Jump OS              X             Goldruls U Got Sumthin' There SH CCA

             DOB    11/16/07     (Click on the picture to see the "Boys" in their new homes)




rocky BOSS.jpg (26478 bytes)                                                           Largo BOW Tallahassee.jpg (323990 bytes)

Rocky                                         X                                Largo

CH Harborview Just U Wait  OS BISS BOSS     X     CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH VC CCA


                 DOB   1/18/2008        (Click picture to see the Key II litter in their new homes)




Finn 2nd major (2).jpg (1437693 bytes)                                        Cherry land duck 3.jpg (408473 bytes)    

Finn                             X                     Cherry

CH Harborview Goldruls Warrior Poet   X    Goldruls Hell On Wheels JH CCA


                                                                 DOB     6/5/08              (Click picture to see the "Twin" litter)




Bruiser                       X                      Lyric

CH Sunchase Ultra-Brite Not   X    CH Goldruls Kari O Key, BOSS


                                                                  DOB     9/4/08                          (click picture to see the "Song" litter)





Mariner                                     X                              Largo

 BIS BISS SHR CH Shor'Line Jetoca High Seas Adventure JH, RN, VC, SDHF, CGC

CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH VC CCA


DOB    2/5/09                   (Click picture to see the Key III litter in their new homes)








                                                      Cherry head 3.5 years.jpg (420816 bytes)

Mariner                                     X                            Cherry

 BIS BISS SHR CH Shor'Line Jetoca High Seas Adventure JH, RN, VC, SDHF, CGC

 Goldruls Hell On Wheels  JH CCA


DOB    7/5/09                   (Click picture to see the Fire litter in their new homes)



    Finn BOW panhandle full size (2).jpg (709869 bytes)          


   Finn           X         Largo


CH Harborview Goldruls Warrior Poet  X  CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH VC CCA


                                                             DOB  10/26/09   (Click picture to see the "Key" IV litter....)






Hudson 15 months.jpg (109106 bytes)                           Lyric_first_points_Atlanta cropped.jpg (148812 bytes)


  Hudson                  X                  Lyric



CH Prism's Night Moves WC       X         CH Goldruls Kari O Key BOSS


DOB - 05/29/10               Click the picture to see the "NOE" litter in their new homes!